Reading is perhaps the most essential component of a strong curriculum. It is a process, not a subject, which forms the fundamental elements of learning. This process needs to be learned and continually applied if knowledge of all disciplines is to be acquired by learners.
The Pearson Reading Street program is the main source of our reading and language arts program for the primary grades (K-4) with the exception of writing. Mosdos Press anthologies are used in middle school, in addition to novels and plays.
At YAYOE, students are learning key skills to enable them to become great writers of the future. Our writing rogramteaches students the value of organization in writing, emphasizing the importance of structure. Through the elementary years, students continue to focus on this element until they become proficient writers by 8th grade.

Our Mathematics program has incorporated Singapore Math in the lower elementary grades in addition to McGraw Hill and elements of Marcy Cook Math.

The Singapore Math program teaches in depth number sense, using manipulatives to a greater extent than previously to deepen math meaning. There is a greater emphasis on problem solving at an earlier age and understanding numbers. There is a lot of reflection and communication regarding how the numbers work together. The language of math is built at a very young age, even in Kindergarten. This also ties in with our new language arts focus on language development.

Our classes are divided into groups and qualified students complete Algebra I in the 8th grade, allowing them to accelerate in high school.